Nguyen-Thi DANG

Post-doctoral researcher in Differential geometry group-University of Heidelberg funded by the RTG 2229

Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
69120 Heidelberg, Baden-Würtemberg, Allemagne

Mathematikon - Room 3/328
Email : ndang (at)

En français (updated on 03/30/2022)

Research themes (random order): Dynamical systems, ergodic theory, random walks on Lie groups, homogeneous spaces of general rank and volume.

Preprints and papers

Research activities

A 2020 summary of my past research. Last summer semester 2021, I was in charge of the Junior Geometry Seminar, we had talks from Bachelor and Master students of the Differential and Symplectic Geometry groups. The previous schedule of the Junior semirar.

Curriculum Vitae

For more informations, CV with publication list and abstract of the papers. Also, just in case, I put my 2022 MCF application here in french. For 2021 Post-doc applications, I am going to be affiliated to LMO in Orsay for 2 years starting in automn 2022, funded by the MathInGreaterParis program. I gave an RTG lecture for the summer semester 2020, Link to the summaries of the first lectures.

My talks




The webpage of some mathematicians ....

  • François Maucourant - My Phd advisor.
  • Barbara Schapira - My Phd advisor.
  • Olivier Glorieux
  • Çağrı Sert