Heidelberg Geometry Seminars and related events
Summer semester 2022

The Geometry Seminar (GS) is the common seminar of the Research Station Geometry and Dynamics (consisting of the Differential Geometry Group and the Symplectic Geometry Group). It takes place every other Tuesday, usually at 1 p.m. in room SRB. Before the seminar, we usually have lunch together.

The Differential Geometry Seminar (DGS) takes place on Thursdays. When in person, we usually meet at 2 p.m. in room SR 5. Our online meetings are usually at 5 p.m., e.g. when the speaker is in a different time zone like the USA. Please see the seminar webpage for further details.

The Symplectic Geometry Seminar (SGS) takes place on Wednesdays at 11:15 in room SR 4.

The RTG Colloquium (RTG) is organized together with people from Karlsruhe. It is part of the RTG days which take place every other Tuesday, alternating between Karlsruhe and Heidelberg.

Additional events are listed in the second table.

If you would like to suggest a speaker, or if you want an event promoted on this webpage, please contact one of the organizers:
Geometry Seminar: Max Riestenberg and Irene Seifert
Differential Geometry seminar: Gabriele Viaggi, Mitul Islam and Beatrice Pozzetti
Symplectic Geometry seminar: Lucas Dahinden
RTG Colloquium: Lucas Dahinden and Georgios Kydonakis

Date and time Speaker Title Seminar
Tuesday, April 26th, in Karlsruhe Thomas Schick (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) Rigidity of scalar curvature RTG
Tuesday, May 3 Gerhard Knieper (Bochum) Geodesic stretch and the marked length spectrum rigidity GS
Thursday, May 5 Federico Vigolo (Münster) Coarse structures, groups and automorphisms DGS
Tuesday, May 10 Alan Reid (Rice University and MPIM Bonn) Profinite rigidity, direct products and finite presentability RTG
Thursday, May 12, 12:00, Room 0.200 Reto Kaufmann From Symplectic Toric Manifolds to Polytopes and back again SGS
Thursday, May 12 Konstantinos Tsouvalas (IHES) Cartan projections of fiber products and non quasi-isometric embeddings DGS
Tuesday, May 17 Jacques Audibert (Sorbonne) Thin surface groups in lattices of split real Lie groups GS
Tuesday, May 24, in Karlsruhe Sam Hughes (University of Oxford) Irreducible lattices fibring over the circle RTG
Tuesday, June 7 Martin Ulirsch (Frankfurt) Vector bundles on Riemann surfaces and metric graphs GS
Tuesday, June 14 Jean Gutt (Albi / Toulouse) On the equivalence of symplectic capacities GS
Tuesday, June 21 Rich Schwartz (Brown University) Trisecting Kuehnel's 9-vertex projective plane RTG
Wednesday, June 22 Francois Gay-Balmaz (Paris) Coadjoint orbits relevant to ideal fluid dynamics SGS
Tuesday, June 28 (no seminar because of lots of conferences) GS
Tuesday, July 5, in Karlsruhe Jean Lécureux (Université Paris-Saclay) Random walks on CAT(0) cubical complexes RTG
Wednesday, July 6 Alessandra Nardi (Padova) TBA SGS
Thursday, July 7 Rick Kenyon (Yale) Dimers, webs and SL_n local systems DGS
Thursday, July 7 at 4pm in SR2 (note the unusual time and place!) Alex Nolte (Rice) Higher Complex Structures and Hitchin Components GS
Tuesday, July 12 (no seminar because of the Workshop "Geometry and Machine Learning") GS
Tuesday, July 19 Barbara Schapira (Université Rennes 1) Kleinian groups through measures at infinity RTG
Tuesday, July 26 Eugen Rogozinnikov Parametrizing spaces of positive representations GS

Archive of past seminars: Winter 2021/22 | Summer 2021 | Winter 2020/21 | Summer 2020 | Winter 2019/20 | Summer 2019 | Winter 2018/19 | Summer 2018 | Winter 2017/18 | Summer 2017 | Winter 2016/17| Combined Archive

The following table shows additional math-events.

Date/Place Event
Weekly, Monday 4-6 pm Junior Seminar on Geometry & Dynamics
April 11th-13th, Schlössle, Schenkenzell RTG Seminar "Group Cohomology"
May 19th, Strasbourg 13th Karlsruhe-Heidelberg-Strasbourg "Geometry Day"
May 31st- June 1st RTG Retreat
June 23rd, Conference Room on 5th floor, Mathematikon Mercator Workshop
July 1st-22nd, Mathematikon Celebrating the Poincaré conjecture: Public Talks and Workshops
July 8th, Hörsaal, Mathematikon BACH seminar on Symplectic and Contact Geometry
July 11th-13th, Studio Villa Bosch Workshop on Geometry and Machine Learning
September 5th-8th, somewhere in Black Forest RTG Seminar "Topological Data Analysis"

Heidelberg Geometry Seminar