Ana Peón-Nieto

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Mathematisches Institut
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
69120 Heidelberg

Office: 3.328
Telephone: +49-6221-54-14219
E-Mail: apeonnieto [at]

Here is a copy of my CV.

Research Interests

Geometry and topology of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles. The Hitchin fibration.
Relation to representation varieties, geometric structures and physics.

Published papers

On σδ-Picard-Vessiot extensions, Communications in Algebra 34, 4 (2011), 1242-1249


(with Óscar García-Prada and S. Ramanan). Higgs bundles and the Hitchin-Kostant-Rallis section. Preprint (preliminary version -now obsolete) (arXiv version).

Cameral data for SU(p,p+1)-Higgs bundles. Preprint

(with Óscar García-Prada). Higgs bundles, real forms and gerbes. In preparation.


PhD, Mathematics, August 2009 - December 2013, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Advisors: Luis Álvarez-Cónsul and Óscar García-Prada
Title: Higgs bundles, real forms and the Hitchin fibration

Master 2 Mathématiques Fondamentales, September 2006 - June 2007, Université Paris 7 Denis-Diderot
Thesis Title: Théorie des Modèles et Géométrie Réelle
Advisor: Max Dickmann

Licenciatura en Matemáticas, September 2002 - June 2006, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Work Experience

Postdoctoral Researcher, October 2013 - September 2016, MATCH, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany

Teaching assistant, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 2011/12, 2012/13.

Monitrice (teaching assistant), Université Paris 7 2007/08, 2008/09.

Teaching: past and new

Seminar Lie algebras and representation theory, Winter semester 2014/15.

Algebraic geometry for physicists October 6-10 2014, as part of the Physics graduate days. Notes: Affine varieties, Projective varieties, Schemes, Sheaf cohomology.

Problem classes for Matemáticas I. 1st year Grado en Ingeniería Química. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 2011/12, 2012/13.

Problem classes for Analyse et Algèbre de base. L1 Physique. Université Paris 7 2007/08, 2008/09.

Invited talks

April 1, 2016. Universidad Central de Barcelona. Mirror symmetry for Cartan branes.

March 11, 2016. Universidade do Porto. Mirror symmetry for Cartan branes.

February 29-March 3, 2016. Higgs Bundles in Geometry and Physics, IWH Heidelberg. Mirror symmetry for Cartan branes.

February 2, 2016. Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt. SU(p,p+1)-Higgs bundles and the Hitchin map.

January 11-15, 2016. Higgs bundles and Hitchin system - VBAC2016, CIB Lausanne. A cameral construction for Higgs bundles for quasi-split real forms.

December 10, 2015. Université de Rennes 1. Une construction camérale pour des fibrés de Higgs pour des groupes algébriques réels quasi-déployés.

October 5-16, 2015. 50 years of the Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem, Chennai Mathematical Institute. Cameral covers, real forms and the Hitchin map.

September 29-27, 2015. Current trends on spectral data for Higgs bundles. Cameral covers and quasi-split forms

June 9-12, 2015. Joint meeting AMS/EMS/SPM, Special session on Higgs bundles and character varieties, Oporto. Slides.

April 14, 2015. Université de Lille. Fibrés de Higgs, groupes réels et le systèsme de Hitchin.

March 16, 2015. Université de Marseille. Fibrés de Higgs, groupes réels et le systèsme de Hitchin.

March 12, 2015. Université de Nice. Fibrés de Higgs, groupes réels et le systèsme de Hitchin.

November 24, 2014. Université de Strasbourg. Fibrés de Higgs, formes reélles et la section de Hitchin--Kostant--Rallis.

November 10-14 2014. Conference Geometric Structures and representation varieties, KIAS, Seoul. Minicourse " Connected components of representation varieties. A view through Higgs bundles. "

June 2014 Workshop on the Geometry and Physics of Moduli Spaces, Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid, Spain). " Higgs bundles and abelianization "

April 2014, Center for symmetry and representations, University of Copenhagen (Denmark). " Abelianization of Higgs bundles "

December 2013, Geometry seminar, Universidad complutense de Madrid (Spain). " Higgs bundles, real forms and gerbes "

July 2013, Geometry seminar, Ruprecht-Karls Universität, Heidelberg (Germany). " Higgs bundles, real forms and cameral covers"

March 2013, Hitchin Lab workshop, Miraflores de la Sierra (Spain). " The Hitchin fibration for real forms through cameral covers. "

February 2013, Math-Physics seminar, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA). " Higgs bundles, real forms and cameral covers"

Other math stuff

Click here for the poster " Higgs bundles and abelianization " that I presented at the Second Gear Retreat, University of Maryland, (USA).

Slides of the talk " Higgs bundles and abelianization " (May 2014 Second Junior Gear Retreat, Ann Arbor).

Some latex tricks: how to cite authors with multiple surnames (very useful for Spaniards...)

last updated: October 14, 2014