- Mirror Symmetrie und D-branes
- Globale Stringkompaktifizierungsbeschränkungen
- Topologische Feld- und Stringtheorie
- Anwendungen in Geometrie, Topologie und Algebra
- Hodge-Theorie
- Reell abzählende Geometrie
- Knotenhomologietheorien
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umgezogen ist, erhalten wir diese Seiten im
status quo April 2023 als Referenz für die Zukunft.
Rückwärts bis 2007, mit Links zum arXiv:
- with Richard Eager and Ingmar Saberi: Nilpotence varieties
- with Albert Schwarz and Vadim Vologodsky: Integrality of framing and geometric origin of 2-functions
- with Richard Eager and Sam Selmani: Exponential networks and representations of quivers
- with Marc-Antoine Fiset: Bounding the heat trace of a Calabi-Yau manifold
- with Daniel Krefl: B-model approaches to instanton counting
- with Robert Jefferson: Monodromy of inhomogeneous Picard-Fuchs equations
- with Albert Schwarz and Vadim Vologodsky: Framing the Di-Logarithm (over Z)
- with Daniel Krefl: ABCD of Beta Ensembles and Topological Strings
- with Guillaume Laporte: Monodromy of an inhomogeneous Picard-Fuchs equation
- On the arithmetic of D-brane superpotentials: Lines and conics on the mirror quintic
- with Shmuel Elitzur, Yaron Oz, and Eliezer Rabinovici: Open/Closed Topological CP1 Sigma Model Revisited
- with Daniel Krefl: Shift versus Extension in Refined Partition Functions
- with Daniel Krefl: Extended Holomorphic Anomaly in Gauge Theory
- with Hans Jockers and Peter Mayr: On N=1 4d Effective Couplings for F-theory and Heterotic Vacua
- with Manfred Herbst: On the unipotence of autoequivalences of toric complete intersection Calabi-Yau categories
- with Daniel Krefl and Sara Pasquetti: The Real Topological Vertex at Work
- Calculations for Mirror Symmetry with D-branes
- with Daniel Krefl: The Real Topological String on a local Calabi-Yau
- with Daniel Krefl: Real Mirror Symmetry for One-Parameter Hypersurfaces
- Evidence for Tadpole Cancellation in the Topological String
- Open Strings and Extended Mirror Symmetry (a review)
- with David Morrison: D-branes and Normal Functions
- with Andrew Neitzke: Background Independence and the Open Topological String Wavefunction
- with Katrin Becker and Melanie Becker: Runaway in the Landscape
- Extended Holomorphic Anomaly and Loop Amplitudes in Open Topological String
Vollständige bibliographische Daten zu (fast) allen Veröffentlichungen (via inSpire)
Betreute Arbeiten
- “Analytic Properties of s-Functions” Dr. Luis Felipe Müller, 2021 Universität Heidelberg Mathematik
- “Exponential networks and representations of Quivers” Dr. Sam Selmani, 2017 McGill University/ Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Extended Frobenius Manifolds and the Open WDVV Equations” Dr. Adam Alcolado, 2017 McGill University / Universität Heidelberg Mathematik
- “Real Mirror Symmetry and The Real Topological String” Dr. Daniel Krefl, 2009 LMU Physik (Ko-Betreuung)
- “Homological AdS-CFT” Talha Ersoy, 2023 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Constructible Factorization Algebras for Field Theories” Markus Zetto, 2023 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “D-brane Bound States, Hilbert Schemes and Exponential Networks” Raphael Senghaas 2023 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Duality between Two Physical Approaches to Knot Homology” Jonas Cassel, 2022 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Perturbative Chern-Simons Theory from Pseudoholomorphic Discs” Simon Heuveline, 2021 Universität Heidelberg Mathematik
- “Haag’s Theorem revisited” Josephine Grau, 2021 Universität Heidelberg Mathematik
- “Formulation of Supersymmetric Theories using Integral Forms” Andrea Grossutti, 2021 Università degli studi di Padova / Universität Heidelberg Physik (Co-Betreuung)
- “Higher Gauge Theory and its Applications” Benjamin Haake, 2021 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Superconformal Multiplets in d=4 Spacetime Dimensions” Steffen Schmidt, 2021 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “The BV Formalism, \(L_\infty\)-Algebras and their Applications to Supersymmetry and Chern-Simons Theory” Fabian Hahner, 2020 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Holomorphic linking on an Elliptic Curve” Fabio Schlindwein, 2020 Universität Heidelberg Mathematik
- “The exceptional Superconformal Algebra D(2, 1; α): Construction of Supermultiplets via Nilpotence Varieties and harmonic Superspace” Joan Aitor Austrich Olivares, 2019 Universität Heidelberg Physik (Co-Betreuung)
- “The Geometry of Supermoduli Space and its Relation to Perturbative Superstring Theory” Lukas Hahn, 2018 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “A survey of Defects in N = 4 Supersymmetric Yang –Mills Theory” Michael Bleher, 2017 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Bounding the heat trace of a Calabi Yau manifold” Marc-Antoine Fiset, 2015 McGill Physik
- “Enumeration of Real Lines on Smooth Cubic Surfaces” Adam Alcolado, 2013 McGill Mathematik
- “Lines on one-parameter calabi-yau hypersurfaces” Robert Jefferson, 2013 McGill Physik
- “Propositional Lattices in Quantum Mechanics - Axioms and their Physical Interpretation" Moritz Merz, 2022 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Understanding classical field theories on spacetime with boundary" Mario Bühler, 2022 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “The Three-Body Problem and the Shape Space" Niels Gehrig, 2021 Universität Heidelberg Physik (Co-Betreuung)
- “Khovanov Homology" Jonas Cassel, 2021 Universität Heidelberg Mathematik
- “Reformulation of a No-Go Theorem for regular Super-Poincaré Off-Shell Representations in various Dimensions and how to employ Harmonic Superspace to partially circumvent it" Sebastian Benedikt Flad, 2021 Universität Heidelberg Mathematik
- “Physical Discussion of the Singularity Theorems in Special Relativity" Eric Jacob, 2020 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “A mathematical Formalism for Entanglement Entropy" Cord Lampe, 2020 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Non-affine Landau-Ginzburg Models and Matrix Factorizations" Markus Zetto, 2020 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Consistent Kaluza-Klein Dimensional Reduction of Variational Problems" Alexander Kunkel, 2020 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Konstruktionen von Instanton-Lösungen mit Ausblick auf ADHM” Marcel Renkert, 2020 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Quantization of the Free 2-Form Gauge Field” Hannes Keppler, 2019 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Cherns-Simons Theory and Khovanov Homology” Niklas Merk, 2019 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Conformal Symmetry in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model” Steffen Schmidt, 2019 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “An introduction to Factorization Algebras in Quantum Field Theory” Jakob Ulmer, 2019 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “The Volume Spectrum of Hyperbolic 3-manifolds” Paula Naomi Pilatus, 2019 Universität Heidelberg Mathematik
- “Calibrations and mathematical aspects of BPS Branes” Raphael Senghaas, 2019 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “On a Brown Representability Theorem for Triangulated Categories with a Perfect generator” Edith Hübner, 2018 Universität Heidelberg Mathematik
- “Black Objects in 4+1 Spacetime Dimensions” Gönenc Mogol, 2018 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “On Zeta-regularised Casimir Energies and their application to Hadronic Bag Models” Thomas Gaskin, 2017 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Arithmetics of Holography, p-Adic AdS/CFT and Discrete Black Holes” Menelaos Zikidis, 2017 Universität Heidelberg Mathematik
- “Supersymmetrischer Blick auf Symmetrie-Klassen” Sascha Holzer, 2016 Universität Heidelberg Physik
- “Instantons in Quantum Mechanics” Bo Jing 2008 ETH Zürich Physik