Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Some links


Jan Bruinier, Stephan Ehlen, Kathrin Bringmann, Jens Funke
To be continued.

A few conferences

(For a list of my talks, see here.)
  • Modular Forms on Higher Rank Groups TU Darmstadt, (September 17-20, 2019)
  • A3F Lille (April 3-5, 2019)
  • Modular Forms are Everywhere, (May 22-26, 2017, MPIM Bonn)
  • Workshop on Binachi Modularity, (July 11-15, 2016, Luxembourg)
  • Oberwolfach Workshop: Moduli spaces and Modular forms (April 24-30. 2016)
  • L-Functions and Automorphic Forms (link), (February 22-26, 2016, Heidelberg)
  • Characters of Representations and Modular Forms (link) (March 23-27.2015, MPIM Bonn)
  • Arithmetic of Eisenstein Series (September 22.-25. 2014, TU Darmstadt)
  • Building Bridges: 2nd EU/US Summer School + Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics (Wokshop, 7th-11th July 2014, Bristol)
  • 27th Automorphic Forms Workshop, (March 10.-14. 2013, UCD Dublin)
  • Automorphic Forms and L-Functions (March 17-19. 2013, TU Darmstadt )
  • Student Conference on Automorphic Forms (October 13.-14. 2011, TU Darmstadt)  (link)
  • CFT 2011 Conformal Field Theory, Automorphic Forms and Related Topics
    (September 19.-23., MATCH Heidelberg) (link)
  • Computations with Modular Forms 2011
    (August 29. - September 2., September 5. - 8. 2011, MATCH Heidelberg) (link)
  • School and Conference on Modular Forms and Mock Modular Forms and their Applications in Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics (link) (March 13-18 2011, ICTP Triest)
  • Nachwuchskonferenz: Young Researchers in Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry, SFB/TR 45 (October 4-7., Mainz) (link)
  • Mock theta functions amd applications in combinatorics, algebraic geometry and mathematical physics (link) (May 25-29 2009, MPIM Bonn)
  • Bellairs workshop in number theory (link) (May 3-10. 2009)

Further things of interest

Page edited by hofmann, last change: 11-07-2020
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