See also

  1. Cyclic Polygon Plots (with F. Sadlo, M. Schreck)
  2. Symplectic billiards for pairs of polygons (with F. Lander, J. Westermann)
  3. A geometric embedding approach to multiple games and multiple populations (with B. Boll, J. Cassel, S. Petra, Ch. Schnörr)
  4. Floer potentials, cluster algebras and quiver representations (with M. Bertozzi, M. Reineke)
  5. An observation about conformal points on surfaces (with G. Benedetti)
    Arnold Mathematical Journal, online, arXiv:2309.03319
  6. Monotone twist maps and Dowker-type theorems (with S. Tabachnikov)
    Pacific Journal of Mathematics (2024), 1 – 24, arXiv:2307.01485
  7. Quantum state assignment flows (with J. Schwarz, J. Cassel, B. Boll, M. Gärttner, Ch. Schnörr)
    Entropy (2023), 36 pages, arXiv:2307.00075, see also Proc. SSVM, 2023
  8. Families of periodic delay orbits (with P. Aretz, I. Seifert)
    arXiv:2304.07550, to appear in Journal of Differential Equations
  9. Quantum state assignment flows (with J. Schwarz, B. Boll, D. Gonzalez-Alvarado, D. Sitenko, M. Gärttner, Ch. Schnörr)
    Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), 2023
  10. Rabinowitz Floer homology of negative line bundles and Floer Gysin sequence (with J. Kang)
    Advances in Mathematics (2023), 130 pages arXiv:2207.07179
  11. On conformal points of area preserving maps and related topics (with S. Tabachnikov)
    Journal of Geometry and Physics (2022), 11 pages, arXiv:2205.02611
  12. On the geometric mechanics of assignment flows for metric data labeling (with F. Savarino, C. Schnörr)
    Information Geometry (2023), 31 pages, arXiv:2111.02543, see also Proc. SSVM, 2021
  13. Loewner's "forgotten" theorem (with S. Tabachnikov)
    The Mathematical Intelligencer (2022), 7 – 11, arXiv:2109.03051
  14. On the geometric mechanics of assignment flows for metric data labeling (with F. Savarino, C. Schnörr)
    Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), 2021
  15. Symplectically convex and symplectically star-shaped curves – a variational problem (with S. Tabachnikov)
    Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications (2022), 24 pages, A Festschrift in honour of Claude Viterbo’s 60th birthday, arXiv:2012.14797
  16. Periodic delay orbits and the polyfold implicit function theorem (with I. Seifert)
    Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (2022), 383 – 412, arXiv:2011.14828
  17. Visual Analysis of Billiard Dynamics Simulation Ensembles (with S. Boshe-Plois, L. Linsen, Q.Q. Ngo)
    15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020)
  18. Polygonal symplectic billiards (with G. Banhatti, F. Sadlo, R. Schwartz, S. Tabachnikov)
    arXiv:1912.09404, to appear in Journal of Experimental Mathematics
  19. A symplectic dynamics proof of the degree-genus formula (with H. Geiges, K. Zehmisch)
    Arnold Mathematical Journal (2021), 28 pages, arXiv:1905.03054
  20. Pseudorotations of the 2-disc and Reeb flows on the 3-sphere (with H. Geiges, K. Zehmisch)
    Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2022), 402 – 436, Anatole Katok Memorial Issue, arXiv:1804:07129
  21. Hamiltonian delay equations – examples and a lower bound for the number of periodic solutions (with U. Frauenfelder, F. Schlenk)
    Advances in Mathematics (2020), 17 pages, arXiv:1802.07453
  22. An iterated graph construction and periodic orbits of Hamiltonian delay equations (with U. Frauenfelder, F. Schlenk)
    Journal of Differential Equations (2019), 2466 – 2492, arXiv:1802.07449
  23. A compactness result for non-local unregularized gradient flow lines (with U. Frauenfelder, F. Schlenk)
    Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications (2019), 28 pages, arXiv:1802.07445
  24. Introducing symplectic billiards (with. S. Tabachnikov)
    Advances in Mathematics (2018), 822 – 867, arXiv:1708.07395
  25. Reeb dynamics inspired by Katok's example in Finsler geometry (with H. Geiges, K. Zehmisch)
    Mathematische Annalen (2018), 1883 – 1907, arXiv:1705.08126
  26. Numerical simulations of magnetic billiards in a convex domain in $\mathbb{R}^2$ (with G. D. Banhatti, M. Herrmann)
  27. Periodic Reeb orbits on prequantization bundles (with J. Gutt, D. Hein)
    Journal of Modern Dynamics (2018), 123 – 150, arXiv:1612.02205
  28. Positive loops and $L^{\infty}$-contact systolic inequalities (with U. Fuchs, W. Merry)
    Selecta Mathematica (2017), 2491 – 2521, arXiv:1602.01383
  29. Local systems on the free loop space and finiteness of the Hofer-Zehnder capacity (with U. Frauenfelder, A. Oancea)
    Mathematische Annalen (2017),1403 – 1428, arXiv:1509.02455
  30. Vanishing of Rabinowitz Floer homology on negative line bundles (with J. Kang)
    Mathematische Zeitschrift (2017), 493 – 517, arXiv:1508.02525
  31. Bubbles and Onis (with U. Frauenfelder)
    Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications (2017), 85 – 112, arXiv:1412.4360
  32. Symplectic Tate homology (with K. Cieliebak, U. Frauenfelder)
    Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, (2016), 169 – 205, arXiv:1405.2303
  33. Cuplength estimates in Morse cohomology, (with D. Hein)
    Journal of Topology and Analysis, (2016), 243 – 272, arXiv:1310.5080
  34. Orderability and the Weinstein Conjecture, (with U. Fuchs, W. Merry)
    Compositio Mathematica, (2015), 2251 – 2272, arXiv:1310.0786
  35. Square roots of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms, (with U. Frauenfelder)
    Journal of Symplectic Geometry, (2014), 427 – 434, arXiv:1304.4067
  36. Orderability, contact non-squeezing, and Rabinowitz Floer homology, (with W. Merry)
    Journal of Symplectic Geometry, (2018), 1481 – 1547, arXiv:1302.6576
  37. Exponential decay for sc-gradient flow lines, (with U. Frauenfelder)
    Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, (2013), 571 – 586, arXiv:1302.3162
  38. A $\Gamma$-structure on Lagrangian Grassmannians, (with U. Frauenfelder, J. Solomon)
    Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (2014), 929 – 936, arXiv:1209.4505
  39. The space of linear anti-symplectic involutions is a homogenous space, (with U. Frauenfelder)
    Archiv der Mathematik, (2012), 531 – 536, arXiv:1208.2126
  40. The Conley-Zehnder indices of the rotating Kepler problem, (with J. Fish, U. Frauenfelder, O. van Koert)
    Mathematical Proc. of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, (2013), 243 – 260, arXiv:1201.2032
  41. Translated points and Rabinowitz Floer homology, (with W. Merry)
    Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, (2013), 201 – 214, arXiv:1111.5577
  42. Global surfaces of section in the planar restricted 3-body problem, (with J. Fish, U. Frauenfelder, H. Hofer, O. van Koert)
    Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, (2012), 273 – 284, arXiv:1103.3881
  43. A variational approach to Givental's nonlinear Maslov index, (with U. Frauenfelder)
    Geometric and Functional Analysis (GAFA), (2012), 1033 – 1050, arXiv:1102.3627
  44. The contact geometry of the restricted 3-body problem, (with U. Frauenfelder, O. van Koert, G. Paternain)
    Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, (2012), 229 – 263, arXiv:1010.2140
  45. Periodic bounce orbits of prescribed energy, (with M. Mazzucchelli)
    International Mathematical Research Notices (2011), 3289 – 3314, arXiv:1006.1125
  46. Cup-length estimates for leaf-wise intersections, (with A. Momin)
    Mathematical Proc. of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (2010), 539 – 551, arXiv:1002.3283
  47. Rabinowitz Floer homology: A survey, (with U. Frauenfelder)
    in Global Differential Geometry, Springer Proc. in Mathematics (2012), 437 – 461, arXiv:1001.4272
  48. On a Theorem by Ekeland-Hofer, (with U. Frauenfelder)
    Israel Journal of Mathematics (2012), 485 – 491, arXiv:1001.3386
  49. Spectral invariants in Rabinowitz Floer homology and global Hamiltonian perturbations, (with U. Frauenfelder)
    Journal of Modern Dynamics (2010), 329 – 357, arXiv:1001.2920
  50. Non-displaceable contact embeddings and infinitely many leaf-wise intersections, (with M. McLean)
    Journal of Symplectic Geometry (2011), 271 – 284, arXiv:0904.3564
  51. On non-separating contact hypersurfaces in symplectic 4-manifolds, (with B. Bramham and Ch. Wendl)
    Algebraic & Geometric Topology (2010), 697 – 737, arXiv:0901.0854
  52. Infinitely many leaf-wise intersection points on cotangent bundles, (with U. Frauenfelder)
    Expositiones Mathematicae (2012), 168 – 182, arXiv:0812.4426
  53. Leaf-wise intersections and Rabinowitz Floer homology, (with U. Frauenfelder)
    Journal of Topology and Analysis (2010), 77 – 98, arXiv:0810.3845
  54. Floer homology for negative line bundles and Reeb chords in prequantization space, (with U. Frauenfelder)
    Journal of Modern Dynamics (2009), 407 – 456, arXiv:0808.3634
  55. On the Weinstein conjecture in higher dimensions, (with H. Hofer)
    Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (2009), 429 – 436, arXiv:0705.3953
  56. A non-displaceable Lagrangian torus in T*S2, (with U. Frauenfelder)
    Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (2008), 1046 – 1051, arXiv:math/0608356
  57. A note on local Floer homology
  58. A Lagrangian Piunikhin-Salamon-Schwarz morphism and two comparison homomorphisms in Floer homology
    International Mathematical Research Notices (2008), article ID rnm134, arXiv:math/0512037
  59. On the extrinsic topology of Lagrangian submanifolds
    International Mathematical Research Notices (2005), 2341 – 2371, arXiv:math.SG/0506016
    Erratum: International Mathematical Research Notices (2010), 1363 – 1369
  60. On functoriality in Floer homology
    Ph.D. thesis, University of Leipzig (2005)

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