Seminar: The Symplectic Structure of Representation Varieties

Wintersemester 2018/2019

Prof. Anna Wienhard, Prof. Peter Albers, Mareike Pfeil


Please register on Muesli in order to obtain mails concerning the seminar.

Time and Location

Thursdays, 9-11am, SR 4

Next Talk - Irregular time and place!

Tuesday, 05.02.19, 8.15 - 9.25 am, Conference room, 5th floor


In 1984 William Goldman showed that the variety of representations of the fundamental group of a topological surface into any reductive Lie group carries a natural symplectic structure on its smooth part.
In this seminar we want to discuss first the construction of this symplectic structure both from the perspective in Goldman's paper as well as via symplectic reduction as described by Jeffrey and Weitsman. Then we will further explore the symplectic geometry and symplectic dynamics of representation varieties.


Date Speaker Topic
18.10.2018 - Organizational meeting
24.10.2018 Arnaud Goldman [1] - The definition of the 2-form
01.11.2018 - Public Holiday
08.11.2018 Lukas Symplectic reduction I
15.11.2018 Lukas Symplectic reduction I - continued
22.11.2018 Arnaud Goldman [1] - closedness
29.11.2018 Arnaud Goldman [1] - continued
06.12.2018 Johannes Symplectic reduction II
13.12.2018 Milan Delzant's Garden - A classification of symplectic toric manifolds
20.12.2018 Milan Delzant's Garden - continued
10.01.2019 Andy Poisson geometry of relative character varieties and compact components for SL(2,R) [5]
17.01.2019 Andy Poisson geometry of relative character varieties and compact components for SL(2,R) - continued [5]
24.01.2019 Mareike Goldman [2] - invariant functions
31.01.2019 Mareike Goldman [2] - invariant functions - continued
05.02.2019 Mareike Goldman [2] - Hamiltonian flows


Last update: 04.02.2019