Prof. Dr. Kay Wingberg

Universität Heidelberg

Mathematisches Institut
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
D-69120 Heidelberg
Email: wingberg (at)
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung


Research interests

Research interests

    Algebraic Number Theory, Iwasawa Theory,
    Arithmetic Geometry,
    Structure of profinite (or pro-p) Groups


          Cohomology of Number Fields (with Jürgen Neukirch and Alexander Schmidt)

        1. p-Potenzen und Kommutatoren in Verzweigungsgruppen p-adischer Zahlkörper
        2. Die Einsheitengruppe von p-Erweiterungen regulärer p-adischer Zahlkörper als Galoismodul
        3. Die p-Vervollständigung der multiplikativen Gruppe einer p-Erweiterung eines irregulären p-adischen Zahlkörpers
           (with Uwe Jannsen)
        4. Einbettungsprobleme und Galoisstruktur lokaler Körper (with Uwe Jannsen)
        5. Existenz unendlicher algebraischer Zahlkörper, über denen jedes Einbettungsproblem lösbar ist
        6. Eine Bemerkung zum Einbettungsproblem mit nicht-abelschem Kern
        7. Die Struktur der absoluten Galoisgruppe p-adischer Zahlkörper (with Uwe Jannsen)
        8. Der Eindeutigkeitssatz für Demuskin-Formationen
        9. Demuskin-Erzeugende einer elementar-abelschen p-Erweiterung (with Uwe Jannsen)
      10. Freie Produktzerlegungen von Galoisgruppen und Iwasawa- Invarianten für p-Erweiterungen von Q
      11. Ein Analogon zur Fundamentalgruppe einer Riemann'schen Fläche im Zahlkörperfall
      12. Duality theorems for Γ-extensions of algebraic number fields
      13. Positiv-zerlegte p-Erweiterungen algebraischer Zahlkörper
      14. ℓ-Überlagerungen von P1\{p1,p2,p3}
      15. Galois groups of number fields generated by torsion points of elliptic curves
      16. Artin/Verdier duality for n-dimensional local fields involving higher algebraic K-sheaves (with Christopher Deninger)
      17. On Poincaré groups
      18. On the product formula in Galois groups
      19. On the rational points of abelian varieties over Zp-extensions of number fields
      20. On the Beilinson-conjectures for elliptic curves with complex multiplication (with Christopher Deninger)
      21. A Riemann-Hurwitz formula for the Selmer group of an elliptic curve with complex multiplication
      22. Representations of locally profinite Groups
      23. Duality Theorems for abelian varieties over Zp-extensions
      24. Galois groups of Poincaré type over algebraic number fields
      25. On Demuskin groups with involution
      26. On Galois groups of p-closed number fields with restricted ramification
      27. On the etale K-theory of elliptic curves with complex multiplication for regular primes
      28. On a Galois extension with restricted ramification related to the Selmer group of an ellipitic curve with complex multiplication
      29. On Galois groups of p-closed number fields with restricted ramification II
      30. On the fundamental group of a smooth arithmetic surface (with Alexander Schmidt)
      31. On the maximal unramified p-extension of an algebraic number field
      32. On positively ramified extensions of algebraic number fields
      33. Safarevic's theorem on solvable groups as Galois group (with Alexander Schmidt)
      34. Galois groups of local and global type
      35. On the Fontaine-Mazur Conjecture for CM-Fields
      36. Free quotients of Demuskin groups with operators
      37. Free Product Decomposition of Galois Groups of Number Fields
      38. Free pro-p extensions of number fields
      39. On Čebotarev sets
      40. Arithmetical Koch Groups
      41. Sets of Completely Decomposed Primes in Extensions of Number Fields
      42. Riemann's existence theorem and the K(π,1)-property of rings of integers
      43. Extensions of Profinite Duality Groups (with Alexander Schmidt)
      44. On the Embedding Problem with Non-abelian Kernel
      45. On the Theory of Ends of a Pro-p Group
      46. Corestricted Free Products of Profinite Groups (with Jochen Gärtner)